I’ll never forget the excitement of 安装 week and the long hours Marsha would spend in the studio — 石膏 dust footprints left behind. The 视觉艺术 Department represents a unique bond among its students and instructors.”

在视觉艺术系框架内的工作室实践, 批判, 和展览, students develop skills to articulate their ideas and process and become self-directed in pursuing their own subject matter and concept areas in their artwork.

By pairing traditional arts training with contemporary art making practices, the 视觉艺术 Department curriculum teaches technical and conceptual skills that build critical integrity, 培养艺术的真实性, 并促进独立和雄心勃勃的思考和制定.

每个学生都上绘画课, 设计, 还有色彩理论以及版画选修课, 绘画, 摄影, 雕塑, 数字工作室和跨学科艺术.

While the 视觉艺术 curriculum is student-centered and portfolio based, students value their peers and understand their unique artwork is a result of a collaborative and rigorous studio environment. 课程鼓励学生探索, 尝试并熟练掌握不同的工艺, 材料, 艺术形式, on route to finding their own artistic voice as exemplified in their portfolio.

在第一年的视觉艺术课程, 学生专注于建立基础和技术技能. 在年老时, students develop a portfolio for college admission and create a body of work for a Senior Exhibition. 四年来, students participate in traditional intensive figure 画 workshops and conversely are introduced and engage with contemporary art making practices. Photoshop and digital mediums are integrated into across the 视觉艺术 curriculum. Students regularly showcase their work through professional juried exhibitions, school exhibitions and outside opportunities in 芝加哥’s arts community.

The Academy believes it is not what an exceptional art portfolio looks like that makes it unique, it is what that exceptional portfolio thinks like that makes each of our students distinct.

Our recent graduates garner scholarships to esteemed and competitive art and liberal arts schools including:

库珀联盟, 罗德岛设计学院, 马里兰艺术学院, 大发彩票平台登录的学校, 帕森斯新设计学院, 普拉特学院, 堪萨斯城艺术学院, 巴德学院, 科罗拉多大学, 中央圣. 马丁斯伦敦,卡内基梅隆大学



*Course titles reflect transcripts for the 2017-2018 freshman class.